Central Heating
Warm water central heating systems use water to distribute heat thoroughly and evenly around the home. Water transfers energy at a much higher rate than air, making these systems very efficient. They can be installed in new or existing homes. The heat source heats the water, then pumps it through the heat distribution system (either a network of looped pipes under the floor of the house, a system of pipes under the floor or in the walls connected to wall-mounted radiators, or a combination of the two), which then releases the heat gently into the home
Advantages of Central Heating.
- EFFECTIVE: Warm water central heating systems heat your whole house!
- EFFICIENT: Water transfers energy at 4x the rate of air making warm water central heating systems so much more efficient than warm air systems.
- HEALTHY: Central heating systems improve general health and well being of the occupants.
- SAFE: A safe option for children and the elderly because there are no naked flames or elements, and for people with respiratory or allergy problems because there is no forced air flow.
- CONTROLLABLE: Systems are fully programmable and can be thermostatically controlled or turned off in rooms that are not being used.
- QUIET: The systems are virtually silent.
- CUSTOMISED: We work out the specific heating requirements of your house to achieve the best heating solution for your home.
- FLEXIBLE: Choose from a range of different heat sources and heat distribution combinations to get the best performance and cost benefits for your lifestyle.